Names starting with the letter S

Here you’ll find all the names beginning with the letter S, followed by the meaning of the name starting with a S. If the name is blue, it is a name normally given to a boy. If the name has a pink color, then it is usually given to a girl. A green name can be given to both boys and girls.

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  Name Meaning
mars Saewulf A wolf of the sea
mars Saewynn A friend of the sea
venus Saeyva A skillful, vigilant and youthful person
venus Safa Pure
venus Safaa Meaning large, smooth rock and is the name of a hill in Mecca. The name is also mentioned in the Quran.
venus Safah Of Arabic origin, meaning 'Pure'. Other spellings of the name include Safa and Safaa.
venus Safaia The sapphire stone or the color blue
venus Safak A Turkish girl name
mars Safal Successful
mars Safan He who is brave, bold, and courageous,
venus Safara Fire
venus-mars Safari Journey, Expedition
mars Safdar One who is piercing lines
mars Safeer Emissary
mars Safeeullah An Arabic name for Boys
venus Safeeya One who fears God
mars Safet Best part or pure
venus Safeta Clean or pure
venus Saffa Variant spelling of the name Safa. Meaning 'innocent'.
venus Saffah The pure one
venus Saffanah Muslim name meaning pearl
mars Saffar Coppersmith
venus Saffi Pure
venus Saffine A jewel, a gem
mars Safford One from the willow ford
venus-mars Saffren A name of a flower
venus Saffron Yellow Flower
venus Saffronia English name meaning saffron
venus Saffy A wise one
mars Safi Pure
venus Safia Derivation of the name Safiya meaning 'pure'.
venus Safie A wise woman
venus Safija Bosnian form of Safiya, meaning clean and pure.
venus Safina Noah's ark
venus Safinaz She who is pure
mars Safir A mediator
venus Safira Spanish name for sapphire
venus Safire One who is like a sapphire
mars Safiuddin One whose faith is pure
venus Safiwah A tranquil woman
mars Safiy Best friend
venus Safiya Pure
venus Safiyah Of Arabic origin, meaning 'pure'. This was the name of one of Muhammed's wives.
mars Safiyaldin One who is the best friend of the faith
venus Safiye A genuine person
mars Safiyy He who is the chosen one
venus Safiyya One who is a confidante and a best friend
venus Safiyyah A form of the name Safiyyah, meaning 'pure'. This was the name of one of Muhammed's wives.
mars Safiyyullah The chosen one of Allah
venus Safoor A pious, god-fearing woman
mars Safouane A pure and genuine man
venus Safra A genuine and pure woman
mars Safrah The feeling of God's peace
venus Safranka Saffron flower.
mars Saft One who is full of good habits
mars Safuh A forgiving and pardoning person
mars Safulislam The sword of Islam
venus Safun The feeling of breeze
venus Safura The wife of the Prophet hazrat Musa
venus Safwa The finest and the best girl of them all
mars Safwaan Name of Muslim origin meaning 'pure' and 'dependable'.
venus Safwah The girl who is the finest, best, an elite girl
mars Safwan Old Arabic name
venus Safwana She is like a rock, a stone
mars Safwat One who is supreme in his purity
venus Safya One who is a true sincere friend
venus Saga Seer
venus Sagal One like the Morning star
mars Sagan The one who is a wise person
mars Sagar One who is supreme, the wisest one
venus Sagara Ocean
mars Sagardutt he who is a gift of the ocean
venus Sagari Daughter of the sea
venus Sagarika Of the ocean
venus-mars Sage Herb Or Prophet
venus Sageda The name means "Sageda is
venus Sagen From The Saw Mill
venus Sageua The Lord is gracious
venus Sageue Gracious is the Lord
venus Sagga The seeing one
mars Sagh One who is a good listener. Alson means for things to be in order
mars Sagheer Something small or minor. A yielding and submissive person
venus Sagheera A submissive and yielding woman
venus Sagheerah A small, minor thing in life
mars Saghir A short an yielding individual
venus Saghira Small, tender and slender woman
venus Saghirali A tender and slim woman
venus Sagira Little One
venus Sagirah The wone who is little, pettite
venus Sagittarius The Archer
mars Sagma A mighty and powerful individual
mars Sagni One who is like a sacred fire
mars Sagnik One who is fiery and passionate. One who coquers the fire
mars Sagragni One who is a ruler of people, a chief
mars Sagragnus A male name of Latin origin. Very rare
mars Sagramore A tree, a sycamore tree
mars Sagrani An English Boy name, mostly used as a surname
venus Sagrario A church, a a tabernacle
mars Sagubar A person who is considered to be a genius
mars Sagun One who has divine qualities
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